Our Team

“I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.”

-Mother Teresa

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Nicole Adriana Casanova

Nicole Adriana Casanova is a Boriken born student of Maestro Manuel Rufino, a Taino Elder who founded the Golden Drum cultural center in Brooklyn and many communities around the world. She is a graduate of the New School in New York City. Her cross-disciplinary study included Food Justice and Sovereignty, Environmental Economics and Psychology.

Nicole is a writer, poet, songkeeper and storyteller. Over the past decade, Nicole has been blessed to travel the world and study with great teachers, elders, and spiritual traditions. As a healer, she has administered to 1,000s of people and her passion is to shift from individual healing to collective healing. Growing up, Nicole’s best friends were trees and this organization gives her the opportunity to keep good on the promises she made in the wisdom of childhood. Root to Heaven in Nicole’s prayer for the Waters of the Earth.



Lauren Charlea Nolting

Lauren Charlea is a graduate of New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. Her studies focus on the intersection of Ethnobotany, Experimental Neuroscience, Metaphysics and Holistic Medicine. In a quest to transform localized medical systems into more natural spaces for healing, she rekindled a passion for plants and the nuances of knowledge contained within.

Lauren is a traveler, a wanderer by nature. Sailing across oceans since she was in the womb, her world has always been marked by movement. This expansive foundation has set the tone for a worldview that is not restricted by borders & boundaries of nations; there is only the earth, and the people who care for her. Lauren is driven by a deep, unending yearning for the lands and waters to be protected by those who still hear the whispers of their ancestral prayers woven within the tapestry of nature. 



Celia Sunshine Hardin

Celia Hardin is a mother and a financial consultant with over 15 years of experience. Celia has dedicated her career to supporting the growth of family owned businesses, non-profits, and corporations. Her expertise in finance and technology have been  ground breaking. Celia specializes in building foundational practices that create sustainable infrastructures to allow for the creative vision of organizations to become holistically healthy, profitable, and thriving. 

Celia is a student of Maestro Manuel Rufino and has been fortunate to liaise between different indigenous leaders and nations in effort to raise awareness and action on environmental and social justice causes. Celia comes from a lineage of Healers that have always worked very closely with the land and stewarded plants. The purpose of her work is to create a better world for her teenage daughter and all the youth.