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8.8.2022 | 5-10pm EDT


For millennia, our societies have been trained to look for the origins of the problems we face, but what happens when we uncover the origins of solutions that transcend time, space, culture, and race? Afterall, the challenges we face stem from moving out of balance and alignment with nature, ourselves, and each other, so it only makes sense that by stepping back into ancient wisdom and sincere connection harmony will arise and reestablish the sacred imperative for life to thrive and flourish.

On August 8th, hear from Global experts and leaders in sacred ecology, regeneration, impact economies, and social wealth. Join us online to learn about the powerful ways that place, person, and peace are creating and supporting positive changes environmentally, globally, locally, and individually. Learn how you can get involved in Root to Heaven’s Family Tree Initiative and sign up for our first ever Permaculture and Reforestation retreats this coming November and next May.

Support this amazing symposium and all of Root to Heaven’s fundraising efforts for projects you will learn more about on 8.8.2022 by donating and registering below!


May 26

Reforesting NYC | Tree Giveaway in Brooklyn

April 24

Bare root Tree Fundraiser